Ready to become a member ?
Discover the bennnefits and how our membership can transform the way you communicate. Join today and start your journey to becoming a better speaker—by tomorrow.
The meeting begins with a warm welcome from the president, who promptly hands over to the evening’s Toastmaster(the host). The Toastmaster sets the tone for the session, introduces the functionaries, and later presents the speakers and their evaluators.
The toastmasters meeting begins with a warm welcome from the president, who promptly hands over to the evening’s Toastmaster(the host). The Toastmaster sets the tone for the session, introduces the functionaries, and later presents the speakers and their evaluators.
Members take the stage to deliver speeches they’ve prepared in advance, based on specific projects in their learning paths. Each speech has a purpose, from storytelling to persuasive speaking, allowing the speaker to hone their skills in different areas.
This is where it gets exciting! Members and Guest like you are welcome sign up and deliver a short, unprepared speech on a surprise topic. It’s all about thinking on your feet and building confidence when speaking off-the-cuff.
The General Evaluator takes the stage and introduces the evaluators, who provide feedback on strengths and areas for improvement for the prepared speeches. This part of the meeting focuses on growth through feedback and positive reinforcement.
The functionaries share their reports from the Ah-Counter, Grammarian, and Timer, followed by the General Evaluator’s feedback on the evening. The meeting wraps up as the president closes the session, ensuring everyone leaves with something valuable.
Join our Toasmasters club at Danziger Str. 50, near 🚉 Eberswalder Straße, or occasionally at Supersonico, near 🚉U-Bernauer Straße, for our casual bar events. Curious where we’ll meet next? Check our Meetup page the day before for the most up-to-date location details.
Danzigerstr. 50,
10551 Berlin
🚉 U-Eberswalder Straße
Bernauer Str. 71/72, 13355 Berlin
🚉 U-Bernauer Straße
Guests are welcome to attend as many meetings as they want. We typically recommend joining our meetings 3-4 times before deciding if you’d like to become a member. This gives you ample opportunity to see if our club is a good fit for you.
We are primarily an English-speaking club, and our meetings are conducted in English. However, we welcome all and encourage you to participate in the language you’re most comfortable with.
Guests typically do not give prepared speeches, as speeches are part of a structured educational program. However, once you become a member, you can start delivering speeches as part of your Pathways learning journey.
No, guests typically do not take on roles or serve as meeting functionaries. These responsibilities are reserved for members, though guests are welcome to participate in Table Topics (impromptu speaking).
We recommend that guests attend our Toastmasters meetings 2-3 times before becoming members to get a feel for the club and experience the benefits firsthand. Click here to learn more about the steps to join.
We share the WhatsApp group invite during our meetings to ensure that new members and guests have a chance to experience the club first.
No, guests are welcome to attend our meetings for free. We encourage you to visit and experience what our club offers before deciding to join.
While registration is not strictly required, we recommend that guests RSVP through our Meetup Page or the contact form below so we can properly welcome you and confirm our location.
No preparation is necessary as a guest. Simply show up and enjoy the experience! If you’d like to participate in our Table Topics impromptu session, please reach out to the Table Topics master during the break.
The name “Mercury” was chosen for our club because of its deep connection to communication and eloquence, which are central to Toastmasters’ mission. In Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods, known for his speed, eloquence, and ability to connect people—qualities that mirror the skills we strive to develop as speakers and leaders.
Not at all! You can simply listen and observe if you’re not ready to speak. There’s no pressure for newcomers to participate until they’re comfortable.
Mercury Toastmasters Berlin is run by a dedicated volunteer team elected annually by the members. Our leadership team includes the President, Vice President of Education (VPE), Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Public Relations, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms. Each role focuses on a different area, from planning meetings and supporting members’ progress to managing club communications and finances. develop their public speaking and leadership skills. You can find out more here.
Discover the bennnefits and how our membership can transform the way you communicate. Join today and start your journey to becoming a better speaker—by tomorrow.